Free Tarot readings ... 
It is amazing to research on TAROT and its predictions...
My name is Sudip K Ghosh (friends call me *~Anecentric); I am from the state of West Bengal, India. I have been into TAROT cards since 1997. I have done readings for people from all over the world and I have been told that my predictions were 86% correct. I want to try this out on a much grander scale with evolution of the Internet.
What are Tarot Readings?
Tarot readings are explorations of future events using a tarot deck. The cards are shuffled while concentration on a specific question for the answer is sought for. The cards are then laid out in one of a number of different layouts or tarot spreads. The Tarot Reader then interprets the cards for the question asked. The Tarot Deck is used as a tool to help a Psychic Reader when reading for a client, to understand all the issues around a particular problem. Much of the information is actually channelled from spirit, but the tarot cards are a focal point to draw out the underlying issues and to help get to the heart of the problem during readings.
TAROT reading and time scale:
Telling time is perhaps the biggest limitation with TAROT readings. It may be very difficult, even for the most experienced TAROT reader to tell the time of any event. Hence readings are often done on the basis of a predetermined time scale.
Do you need advice or answers?
Are you at a crossroads in your life?
Undecided about someone or something?
Worried about how a situation will evolve?
Not sure which option to take?
Uncertain if he/she is the "right" person for you?
Tarot readings can help you explore problem areas in your life, relationships, career, family or finances. Perhaps you're just not sure of your direction or maybe you keep finding yourself in the same situation time and again. A tarot reading can help you to better understand your life and where you are going.
The requests are overwhelming in numbers. I appreciate your patience and cooperation. It may not be possible to reply every query.
To do a reading for you I would like the following.
- Your Full Name
- Your date of Birth
- Your email address, where I can send you your reading
- Your problem / area of concern in detail.
- The site you visited (please copy paste the url of your browser for statistics only) :
- You phone number, along with country code (optional)
Send me an email at the following email address along with the above details. I shall provide you with my inputs. (It is recommended that you add the email address in your address book.)
Donations are welcome but are not mandatory!
I will deliver you the TAROT reading(s) in FULL via email, no strings attached.
The email will also contain a Pay pal link for you (International residents, living outside India) to make a donation. Indian residents may donate through DD or MO and please contact me via email/ phone for the same. Such donations are expected (and never annoyingly demanded) for consultations/ tarot readings provided. There is NO fixed amount to donate; it is completely up to you decide. Again, donations are never expected up front, it is AFTER your reading has been provided!
However there is no obligation or compulsion. This is completely voluntary.
TAROT readings provided by me are always free but also there is a cost involved; in terms of investment of time and energy as well as electronic resources, in order to keep the service up and running. I will not discriminate among those, who donate and those who don’t.
It is for you to make the judgment and I shall respect that.
Disclaimer: The TAROT card readings provided by me are for a research purpose only. What I can provide is advice only and the readings are indications of what might happen and are not craved in granite or inevitable. You are the captain of your own ship, it is you who need to decide which course to take. I will be NOT responsible for any loss or negative impact on your life/ property/ the area of concern/ problem or complications as a result of the reading/ inputs I provide!