Conquest of an epic!... pen

Hacker lost enemy

Daunted by the humiliating defeat, the lost enemy had planned well behind the back of His Excellency Lord Sudhir Kumar Ghosh "MaxSudhir" and this time it was directly behind his back, upon his kingdom.

A well planned attack to daunt the Lord's advance had been thrawted and indeed he had attained a heroic victory.

What the His Excellency Lord Sudhir Kumar Ghosh "MaxSudhir" would have never thought of, what he thought was safe and sound, came under a direct threat that made the kingdom tempest tossed!

An attack on the kingdom and his own mettle.

Situation was dire!

What the Lord once thought tame and calm, pounced on him like a demon drunk!










Neo fights backThough over whelmed but not undaunted, the brave Lord gathered his strength and he fought back! The battle ensued was not easy, there were sacrifices the made. Those that fell engraved their names on starts that they deserved. A fiercely pitched battle that claimed both blood and sweat! demons that sprang were well dealt with.

 Neo fights a fiercely pitched battle


But who stands tall against a mettle forged in steel? The demon rum was not to last. They fell like hay with the swings of his sword, they fell to death all those demons. Till he came face to face with the enemy himself.

Battle raged but for long, till the enemy lay slain at the Lord's feet!

Neo kills the demon

A proud brother: Sudip K Ghosh




All rights reserved © Sudip K Ghosh aka *~Anecentric