The Knight and the Princess
The road was dark, appeared unending,
with vast moors on either side,
The scarlet horizon, end of the day
Castle's sight, spurred the Knight's ride
After many a years he had retraced his steps,
With a thought in his mind
Not the King, Not the Earls, not even the Queen so Kind!
From abyss the sea of Fantasy, Rose bubbles of Dreams;
The Noble Princess swashed his senses and he rode down the stream!
Stars and people welcomed him,
The castle shimmered with lights ;
Then he saw the princess coming dimming the glowers with her halo bright.
She gave him a glance from beneath her veil,
The pearl, he had been waiting
To him it appeared as the thunder...
The castle dazzled with lightening.
Her train of followers and courtesies,
Prevented him nearer
He kissed her hand as formal,
Dumped his feelings deep!
In her eyes the same desire,
He was sure he peeped.
Life is not a bed of Roses,
Though each Rose has a has thorn still.
He had been called to the distant land
To lead an army, crush a rebellion, all at the King's will.
Cause of troubles yet unknown
Brewing with time passing by.
Gallant solders , wise men old, All
But failed, when they try.
It had been long, the Distant Land
Turmoil did persist
To serve the King, order to bring
The Knight had been brought in.
The wars within and administration.
He was busy all the way.
The princess never left his thought, be it night or day.
The king had an absolute trust.
Firm on the brave knight!
The Princess wanted to visit the lake
Night, when moon was bright.
The king sent him Alone with her,
As her protector.
The row of medals, A chest all Victory scars,
With a Knight like man, the lake was, all lot safer.
The knight being her child hood friend,
And now capable to protect her.
The lake was cool the moon light bright,
Lotuses within the deep.
Cool breeze blew, the could flew
The moon played hide and seek.
As they talked, the soothing wind,
Brought fragrances of the past.
Their childhood way and its pleasant ways,
Accounted to the last.
He wanted to say, his every bit...
His heart thumped within,
Then, the Princess herself, started to say,
In her herat, burning, what had been.
"So says your eyes, that you love some,"
"Don't you O' brave Knight?"
He then broke,"If I say, it IS you"
"Will your terms be harsh?"

It thundered again with a violent clap!!
The ground shook within.
The wind, the moon , the clouds the lake..
And some eyes ....
Watched them there in....
She hid her face in her palms,
And her eyes grew moist.
The Knight thought of worst of things,
He saw the death scimitar hoist.
But the breeze blew ,cascaded her hair,
And fragrance Blew the fear ...
The Princess too liked the Knight!"Respect my love my dear..!!"
-"Wait for me till I become a KING .
Forces of dark daunt my way...
But soon I would reach the heights!
How Time flew they know not well;
They sat hand in hand.
Very next morn the Knight left called to a distant land.
The Knight fights on-keeps his promise!
Waiting for the joyous day!! Thinking---
The princess too has her eyes.
Laid as a carpet in his way...
Whose that Ghoulish laughter?
The Unrest cause, battles with
The evil Witch, Evilyn, No other!!
Woe the fate !!Woe the fate !!! For the Knight's ignorance.
Love of the Princess ,appeared true...
But Trickery mocked in elegance!!
Far beyond the natural lights,
Dwelt an evil witch!!
Feminine mettle she fed upon ...
Corrupting long she lived.
Destiny too played the part,
Naming the Knight for her doom...
Cunning WITCH fore saw it all ...
Palled his fate with doom.
His beloved princess ,unknown to him ,
Had already been spell bound...
Whom he thought his Queen of heart;
Was a roughage, of HELL HOUND!!
Knight hood life ,swordsman ship,
Noble blood in veins-
Dazed since kissed and from then;
All virtues down the drain!
"Behold ye Knight!!I Evilyn !!
Thus enslaved thy Princess;
Seduced sheathed thy sword hence!
Known to me, is it always---
Else no spear ,no sword or No beast;
Fight thy valor; afford!
Poisoned heart rules thy head hence,
Deter you thus at wars!
Fulfill thy dream or shine like light;
Forget!!Account thy future scars!
Noble Knight -- Innocent Love,
Knows not the pun of FATE!
Destiny or the tide of times ,
Why ? Why ?? Why ??
At times open the hell gates?
How Knight fights - only time will tell,
No one Knows the war;
The Evil witch with her wicked tricks ;
Has a lot ; gone too much this far !
But the Knights rides on ,
Ready to fight ...
With true love burning in heart !
The original ballad was written on June 16 ' 1992. (23:17 Hrs). This is NOT the original version, but still I am looking forward for the views that the readers might provide me with . What does the Evil witch do ? How does the Knight fight back? Above all what happens to the Princess who is "spell bound " by the witch?? All this remained a mystery ... even to me for quite a long time!! I tried and wrote part 2, the Knight's Return. You make take a look at that too! In case you are wondering why did I edit the original version, take a look at the belated love story.
Poem/ Ballad/ Text: All rights reserved © Sudip K Ghosh aka *~Anecentric
Image source: Unknown