A belated love story, part 2 ... pen

Continued from part 1

It was the year 1989. I was 14 years old. During that time my family was still located in Golden gates and family issues with our relatives (of the Nativeland) had caused keep away from that city.

But, I never really bothered about all these harsh realities of life, I was happy.

I was living the Golden era of my life. I was fun loving, talkative and adventurous. I had a totally different outlook towards life, everything appeared so wonderful or was it my hormones raging a riot in me?. I found myself engrossed in creative writing, dramatics and in academic competitions at school.

I used to feel I was invincible to the effect that I rarely thought about Alice. There were occasions when my friends boasted of their girl friends, I too thought it is time to start an affair .Perhaps to be at par with the peers and join the elite society of boys with girl friends and create and impression of being "advanced" among friends.

But whom should I chose as a partner? My reputation as a "spiritual advisor" and a "knowledge bank" was well known among the students and even the teachers. It was not the books I read to attain this elevated status but my Piscean instincts that gave me a deep understanding of things and worldly affairs naturally. Moreover, I had another reputation of being a big flirt and that was already being cherished by so many girls in my school.

Soon the pages of self made profiles of the several potential "girl friends" in my mind, began to turn. I started to wonder, will it be "pretty girl Ishani"? Or shall I hold "fair maiden Chandni's" hand?, and why am I forgetting "her majesty Maria"?, her father is british and mother is an Indian, the brunette they produced is one of the bold and most beautiful girls I have ever came across. No wonder I nick named her "Her majesty the bold and the most beautiful Maria".7

Who shall she be?

I rejected the idea of proposing to Maria1. I had researched my thoughts and found somehow things did not feel right. She had been a good old friend for many years. I always regarded her the most. She was among my best friends. So I decided to keep my relationship with her that way.

I retreated to my realm of fantasy again and continued the permutations and combinations involving the other girls, which included, Ishani and Chandni.

Days passed I was still lost in my mathematics2. I never realized that people had started to notice me. Then finally one Friday, Maria found me sitting alone in a corner of the schools play ground during the school recess and she came to me . I never saw her coming as I was completely lost in my fantasy land. She spoke to me in her father's pure British accent though she spoke Hindi as good as any one living in the Hindi speaking areas of India. It was evident from the fact that she had been living in India in the city of Golden gates, right from birth.

She said amicably, "Are you in love, ass hole?".

I was jolted from my reverie, "Oh! My God- Maria, since when did you start reading people thoughts?",

"It is all loud and clear, my dear! You keep yourself aloof now a days... you keep talking to yourself in very low tone... you look at the sky and smile... these are all signs of love."

I recovered from my astonishment and said, "Not yet... but planning to fall in love soon, my dear piggy3" .

"You need to plan for this...?", she was surprised, "who are you looking at.... (to falling love with)?"

I started to explain my mathematics to her and with in two minutes it happened and that was it! I was zapped with enlightenment. Alice's image from way back since 1987 4 saying a goodbye, wearing a light pink colored blouse and blue faded jeans and her shoulder length hair which gave her a unique sweet appearance, started to flash in my mind. I told Maria about her.

"Congratulation!", said Maria,"Its about time...."

Our little chat was disturbed when Chandni along with a another fellow student, who happened to pass by us, hurled a comment, "Hey Sudip,, are you guys planning a date?"

I replied, "Not yet. I am planning a major commando assault 6 on you two!"

"Thank God! You are back to normal", they passed us by.

The recess was over so Maria and I went back to class5.

I spent the weekend wondering, how is Alice? How are things in the Nativeland. Will she be the same when I see her again? How do I propose her, will she accept me? When will my parents plan a visit to the Nativeland. God! I I wish I could see her as soon as possible. I was engrossed and completely preoccupied with such thoughts for the next several days. Every time I thought about her a strange excitement came over me.

I believe I wished too hard one day and I should have known to be careful what I wished for.

Continued to part 3

1. Her majesty he bold and the most beautiful Maria.
2. The mathematics of permutations and combinations involving the other girls, which included, Ishani and Chandni.
3. I affectionately nicknamed Maria and "Piggy"
4. I am not talking about Maria here but about Alice, she who bade me such a sweet good bye in the city of Nativeland in the year 1987. Please refer the second last paragraph of part 1 of this chapter of my life.
5. Maria never knew that she was also involved in the mathematics.
6. In my school life, I always used military terms. Hence the "Commando assault"
7. The video the best describes my emotions related to this part is as follows.

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All rights reserved © Sudip K Ghosh aka *~Anecentric