Research ... pen


Curious mind cannot stop research

Index of a collection of real life paranormal eventsin reverse chronological order

I have a very curious mind and I like to learn about things. It is obvious that the researcher in me got the better of me and I started to gather knowledge about any thing that caught my attention. For long the stars of the night sky captivated my fantasies, for long the the riddles of traditional astrology challenged me, for long I had been intrigued by Human behavior, and yes I know that UFOs are real!

Of course, the Research work that I am doing here may spark controversies, however all such controversies are open to intellectual discussion.

Many of the topics in this section is compiled from the web.

The idea is not a mere copy- paste but to learn and share knowledge as well as put articles of my personal interest in one place so that they may be referred by those who might find it interesting.

Credits for compilations are given accordingly!