Astral projection ... pen

Astral eyes

This is one of the most incredible experiences that I I have had during the early stages of my research with the Occult and the Super Natural. I had been a skeptic all my life and I never give in to the theories of mystic and anecdotes of the myth until and unless I myself find out all that would be required to convince me about any phenomenon. Now that I am an experienced person with the occult and the paranormal, I recall this incident just I would do so a memory of a distant old school.

It all began with a discussion about the supernatural and the paranormal with a friend of mine. We had been discussing hypnotism, mind power and the like. Then he came up with the topic of OBE (Out of the Body Experience). This is because he had acquired a audio tape related to this subject. The explorer in me got the better of me and I borrowed that tape from him.

This tape contains hypnotic messages that helped me to slip into a trance and the experience that I had was wonderful.

For long I had been missing a good old friend of mine named Kay. She had been one of my best aides since school and she had once proved the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend in deed", absolutely true!

It had been several years that I have had a chance to go visit her. The constraints of time and logistics had been truly overwhelming and that it had been five years that I last visited her! Now, I had the chance, I had managed to fix a date when I would go to her place and may be spend a couple of hours with her but a little smile appeared on my face when I thought, if the Astral Projection meant an Out of the Body experience, this was my best chance to pay a little surprise visit to her and have a reconnaissance before I actually paid her a visit, even if the method was a little unconventional and "see" how she is?

Now that I had borrowed a tape I was bubbling with excitement. It was hortly after dinner, I went to bed with the headphones on and the tape running. It is difficult to describe the various stages that I went through but let me tell you about the vision I had of a place (where my friend lives) that's nearly a hundred miles from my residence. It was all just like a dream, slowly and slowly I started to drift and I saw... her room, the surroundings arond me seemed to change and it felt as if I was as if present in her room. I saw the room had dim night lamp on and I could see her sleeping on the bed and uh- oh!! she had cut her hair real short.

The next thing that struck me was the position of the bed that was parallel to the window was then at right angles to it and the attached washroom was no longer present! Last time when I paid her a visit I had noted there was an attached washroom there but now I could not see it!

That evening (Nov 28th'03) I actually paid a visit to her. I mean I bought a plane ticket and flew to her place.

The first shock I got was that fact the she had indeed cut her long hair short!

Lord Ane and KayI was in their common room where all members of the family watch TV and this room is also meant to receive guests and her room was on the first floor.

After the initial greetings and exchange of memories I told her about my vision. She did not believe me; and had the laugh of the century. I tried to convince her but she did not even flinch.

"You say out of the body? Baaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!", she was exploding with laughter," I would say out of the mind... ha ha ha!"

"Okay! I am sitting on the ground floor right?", I said

"Yes...(giggle.. giggle)", she agreed

"And I have not seen your room...", I was a little apprehensive as I did not know what would happen next.

"Oh yes you will quite a while from now when I take you there... or you can go out of the mind again ha ha ha ha ha!"

"My dear we are still sitting in your guest room, and you never showed me your room till now (in this visit) could you please guide me to the 'once- upon- a time-' wash room of yours?"

Even the last traces of her slime, disappeared!

"How could you?", now she exclaimed!

"Ha ha ha!," it was my time to throw a laughter.

I was asked by whom so ever I related the incident to "Did she believe you?" as they themselves did not believe it. And not every one is Kay that I would pay an Astral visit to them.

But yes, she did believe me, as during the course of our conversation that meandered down the memory lane there was no mention of the renovation and the re-arrangements that her family had undergone.

This was a proof that she did believe me.

By the way, I did not mention the cushions and pillows that she threw at me after I told her about my "visit" that she calls intrusion. I never knew that her is so good while throwing things (at me). During the school days she always missed. How ever she understood that I did not intend to "intrude" in her bedroom.

Unfortunately, I no longer have that tape now, some one stole it from me; I am looking for a copy of that audiotape to add to my personal collection. Of course I would like to know if any else among us had any such experience.

All rights reserved © Sudip K Ghosh aka *~Anecentric