A rainy day of 2010... 
It rained after a scorching heat wave...
June 28, 2010
The past several weeks had been terribly hot and splotchy; the fact was proven when the electricity bill landed at our door step. It was way higher than expected and we had reason to believe and accept that as well.
Spending the day time without the air conditioners on had been an unaffordable luxury due the heat of the summer of 2010. The metrological department claimed this year’s heat wave had been the worst in decades.
But today it is raining and it had been raining in mild showers for the past two weeks, however today is different it is a heavy down pour and it is better than the past few days. The monsoon had finally arrived!
I caught severe cold like many others due to the weather but still, after a few shots of brandy and the doctors medicines I am fighting fit as of now. I dared the rain to catch a few glimpses of this magnificent day.
Here are a the pictures that I took. I wanted get a few more shots but the down pour had accelerated and the winds had picked up so I had to run to safety; after all I am still on medicines, right?
1. Also see Rainy days 2007
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