Need for 911 services in India... 
Dedicated to the 911 organization1 in the United States .....
It was September 13, 2003, around 03:30 AM, when my father had a mild stroke. We were new to Barrackpore were not acquainted with the city or the neighbours properly.
All I could think of during this emergency was to call for an ambulence. The cable operator had provided for an ambulence service and the telephone number was also printed in the membership card, but in vain. When I called them I learnt that there was no ambulence availble as it was the eve of Vishwakarma 2 puja. (The eve of Lord Vishwakarma, the God of Machines and Labor)
No vehicle would run untill they are worshipped and graced by Vishwakarma.
Who is Vishawakarma? I have not seen him! Is worshipping a God or a religious observance more valuable than human life?
Alas! No one seem accept the fact that it is MAN who created God and NOT the other way round. The knowledge of Science seems to have granted the enlightment of this fact that man king implicitly believes the same but some how, due to sentiments that were implanted in them since child hood, people are knowingly oblivious to this fact.
Ultimately I had to resort to some one, who had few connections and he arranged for the ambulence. Now I wonder, if there had been a 911 service in India. A simple phone call would have resolved this issue, provided they too realized the fact that human life is much more valuable than a religious observance. Even God might regard saving a human life is the best way to worship God.
We have been defaming and critising America for reasons that may be of no concern to us. No one seems to notice that it is high time to realize that Americans have set an example in many ways that various develoing countries should be following. This is for the well being of the nation's population and this needs to be done keeping all stupid prejucies, politcal or personal isses aside.
For those who donot know about 9111, it covers all of the Emergency Services, including Fire Departments, Police Departments, Emergency Medical Services, Search & Rescue, Civil Air Patrol, Disaster Management & Recovery, Red Cross, D.A.R.E. Program, Homeland Security to Towing & Recovery.
Later I was told that I could have tried the emergency number 100; which is a Police hotline in India but I am not sure that this number is for Civil emergency or not. Can any one please tell me the details about it?
1. Please refer 911 Emergency services, in Wikipedia
2. Please refer Vishwakarma (aka Vishvakarman) in Wikipedia
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