Like Everyone else I too have many hobbies... writ


As I have often repeated, I was addicted to creative writing and also I have a an eye towards the web page design. Though I do not have any formal qualification in the same but still its a kind of a knack in me that has kept me alive even through the times that seemed to destroy my soul each day I lived... writ

I listen to music and do some research in interior decoration... writ

There are other intellectual pursuits like TAROT, it is a vast field that I am researching, and to further my research I offer TAROT reading to many people. They say I am 86% correct.

I am keenly interested in astrology and I have also experienced certain metaphysical phenomenon like the astral projection. I wish to explore deeper into it. I read a lot of books in this regard and continue my research in this regard.

Ask me I might tell you more... writ

And some interests worth mentioning ...writ

..... Time Travel ..... Tarot ..... Astronomy ..... Writing ..... Long Distance..... Advice ..... Acting ..... Ghosts ..... Paranormal Phenomena ..... Psychic Abilities ..... Magic ..... Divination ..... FBI ..... Intelligence ..... Antiques ..... Erotic Stories and Fantasies ..... Celtic Mythology ..... Erotica ..... Astrology ..... Energy ..... Occult ..... Romance ..... Friends ..... International ..... Songwriting ..... Atheism ..... Creative Writing ..... Mythology and Folklore ..... Greek Mythology ..... Sleep and Dreams ..... Vampires ..... Angels ..... Romance ..... Psychology ..... Shakespeare, William ..... Dragons ..... Human Rights ..... Women ..... Intellectuals ..... Tantra ..... Literary Fiction ..... Screen writing ..... Skeptics...

Not to mention my area of interests is a very vast ... writ

Recreation is a necessity to regenerate ... writ

I like to watch the hollywood movies, informative programs on various cable channels. sing along the music I play (on the sound system). Chatting on the internet etc...

Again, this is just a little bit...writ