Certain things that I would always like to share... 
Hi again!
I assumed the title of His Excellency Lord *~Anecentric or simply Anecentric during a nostalgic conversation with a smart, intelligent and enigmatic lady, in an internet chat room. (Yes, that's "AN ECCENTRIC". Yes that's ANECENTRIC with a single C since it is a proper noun. For those who would like to know my name, I request to address me as my friends affectionately do as either "ANE" or "CENTRIC"). I guess I fell in love with this incident so much that I decided to keep this title.
"What's in a name? that which we call a rose.
By any other name, would smell as sweet"
:- Shakespeare
The most cherished way to introduce myself would be as a MARTIAN KNIGHT, exiled to earth.
The exile is yet another long story. How ever its more human to say that I am in my thirties, single male, easy to talk to, with a some what twisted sense of humor. I am very allergic to snobbery.
I like to interact with people from all nooks and corners of the world, either through Email or chatting on the net.
CREATIVE WRITING1 and the TAROT 2 are two of my major interests. (Did I mention the OCCULT 3/ Paranormal? 4 )
I am online once a week at least. once a week.
1. Please refer "Writings" in this web site.
2. Please refer "TAROT" section.
3. Please refer "Occult" section.
4. Please refer the "Paranormal" section